내가 죽는다면 아마 지옥에 갈거야
If I die, I’m probably going to hell
하루에도 수십번은 더 거짓말하고 사니까
Because I live my life lying more than a dozen times a day
도덕책에서 맘이 진실해지는 법 따위
No book on ethics has ever taught me how to make my feelings true
가르쳐준 적이 없어 그래서 솔직하지 못하지
So I don’t know how to be honest
난 어쩌면 너의 stalker 어쩌면 investigator
I might be your stalker, perhaps an investigator
내 맘은 귀한 보석 어차피 넌 훔치게 돼 있었어
My heart is a precious jewel, it’s been stolen by you anyway
관계의 혹 마침표가 될까 쉼표만 찍고
This lump in our relationship, will it become a full stop? I just put a comma
난 괜히 또 너를 잊고 너를 찢고 너를 씻고해도
Even though I keep in trying in vain to forget you, tear you up, or wash you out
안돼 잘 안돼 속으로 원하는 걸
It doesn’t work, it doesn’t, what I want on the inside
너를 초대하고 싶어 my lady welcome to my world
is to welcome you, my lady welcome to my world
딱 한마디 뿐인데 입술은 떨어질 생각은 안해
It’s just one phrase but my lips are unwilling to say it
네 옆에 나 처럼 봐봐 나 처럼 매순간 널 노래하네 I want it
Next to you, a fool like me, like me, I sing of you every second, I want it
너를 마주칠 때마다
Every time I run into to you
괜히 생각날 때마다
Every time I needlessly think about you
언제나 이렇게 이렇게
Always like this, like this
속으로만 속삭여
I whisper, on the inside
누가 지금 듣고 있다면
If anyone’s listening right now
내게 따옴표 붙여줘
Mark me with quotation marks
네 귀에 들리게 들리게
So that you can hear me hear me
다 고백할 수 있게 oh baby
So that I can confess my feelings for you oh baby
널 만난 날 다음 날 후회로 가득 차
The day after I meet you, I'm filled with regret
못 다한 말에 불난듯 속만 타
It’s like the words I didn’t say burst into flames, my insides are on fire
내 맘이 상자도 아닌데 왜 담아둬
My heart isn’t a box, why is it storing you in it
이불 차는 밤 변해 널 갖고 싶은 악마로
Overnight, I go from kicking my blankets in embarrassment to becoming a demon that wants you
언제일까 난 자꾸 자주 내 자신과 큰 싸움 중
When will it be? I’m constantly, so frequently in a battle with myself
오늘은 꼭 먼저 내 마음을 던져 너란 포수에 안착을
Today, I make sure to throw my heart to you first, a safe landing with you, the catcher
바라며 움직이지 하지만 네 앞에서면 뒤지
I hope for that and move, but when I'm in front of you, I'm behind
너를 심히 원해 이미 제발 소원이야 oh my genie
I want you so bad, it’s already a wish I’m pleading for, oh my genie
Do she love me?
Do do she love me now?
이런 차가운 두려움이 내 힘을 얼린걸까
Has this chilling fear frozen all my strength?
강조의 느낌표, 마냥 의심의 물음표가 아닌
An exclamation mark for emphasis, not a question mark of doubt
진심이 담긴 말 한마디 용기란 큰 따옴표 I want it
Just a few words full of sincerity, a big quotation mark of courage, I want it
너를 마주칠 때마다
Everytime I run into to you
괜히 생각날 때마다
Everytime I needlessly think about you
언제나 이렇게 이렇게
Always like this, like this
속으로만 속삭여
I whisper, on the inside
누가 지금 듣고 있다면
If anyone’s listening right now
내게 따옴표 붙여줘
Mark me with quotation marks
네 귀에 들리게 들리게
So that you can hear me hear me
다 고백할 수 있게 oh babe
So that I can confess my feelings for you oh babe
Transcription cr; Faith | Translation cr; Aditi | Spot Check cr; Faith, Annie & Rinne @ bts-trans
Last updated on: 2022-06-11