내 20대를 바치며
I have dedicated my 20s
무궁무진한 삶을 살고 있어
and I am living this immeasurable life
다 보란 듯, 응답하지만
It's like I'm saying "Look at all this", is the reply but
날 돌아보란 듯, 커지는 이명
"Look back at me", the ringing in my ears gets louder
세상은 빠르게 변하고
The world is changing fast
그 순간 다르게 외로워
And contrary to those moments, I feel lonely
괴로워, 아군은 없듯
It hurts, I probably have no allies
내 삶이 적, 적 해져가
My life is my enemy, it’s becoming the enemy
Oh my gosh
발맞춰 살아가지만, 삐걱대
I live my life in step, but I am stiff
애써 나를 위해 외치는 듯해
I try and shout it out for myself
‘Break a leg’
In my zone, 도심 속 잘 맞춰
In my zone, I do well in the city
사람도 만나지만
I go and meet people but
교통정리가 안 된 차들처럼
Just like cars in uncontrolled traffic
이리 치이고 저리 치이곤 해
I do get hit here and there
난 왜 없는데? 어디 가면 있는데?
Why don’t I have it? Where do I go to find it?
게임마저 잘 보면 안전지대가 있던데
If you look closely, even video games have safety zones
그래 의미 없이 발만 구르지
Okay, just stomp your feet meaninglessly
이건 마치 깡통 Porsche
This is a tin can Porsche
나도 가고 싶은데 where is that mindset?
I also want to go there, where is that mindset?
내 심리 속에서도 있기는 한 걸까?
Is it something that even exists in my mind?
그 누군가는 나에게 아낌없이 줬을 터인데
I’m sure someone must have given it to me generously
잠시 돌이켜보기 위한 내 그루터기는 어딨나?
Where is my stump that I can sit on and look back for a moment?
어둠 속 안도의 한줄기 빛은 어디일까?
Where is the ray of light of security in this darkness?
고즈넉한 home? 아니면 저 먼 blue 일까?
A quiet home? Or is it that blue in the distance?
Where’s my safe zone
왼쪽, 오른쪽, go straight?
Left, right, go straight?
What’s my safe zone
이곳? 저곳? or X?
This place? That place? or X?
어둠 속 안도의 한줄기 빛은 어디일까?
Where is the ray of light of security in this darkness?
고즈넉한 home? 아니면 저 먼 blue 일까?
A quiet home? Or is it that blue in the distance?
Where’s my safe zone
왼쪽, 오른쪽, go straight?
Left, right, go straight?
What’s my safe zone
이곳? 저곳? or X?
This place? That place? or X?
믿어주는 사람들의 응원?
The cheers of the people who trust me?
(그들도 등을 돌리면 차갑고)
(If they turn their backs too, it'll be cold)
날 이끈 people?
The people who have led me?
(잘 생각해 보면 두려워)
(If I think hard about it, I get scared)
피를 나눈 사람도
Even to the people that share the same blood
털어놓을 순 없는 사명감
I can’t let it all out because there’s a sense of duty
요즘은 사람보다 동물이 좋더라
Lately I like animals more than people
But 느껴 자멸감
But I feel it, self-destruction
임종을 앞둔 노을 같아
I feel like a sunset facing death
(Shine, goes dark)
밤과 새벽을 달래줄 light
Light to soothe the night and dawn
(Right, for mine)
Where’s that zone?
큰 재해도 피해 가는
A place to avoid even big disasters?
나의 green zone
My green zone
But 이 길을 선택하는 순간
But as soon as I choose this path
있기는 할까? 나의 safe zone
Will there even be one? My safe zone
어둠 속 안도의 한줄기 빛은 어디일까?
Where is the ray of light of security in this darkness?
고즈넉한 home? 아니면 저 먼 blue 일까?
A quiet home? Or is it that blue in the distance?
Where’s my safe zone
왼쪽, 오른쪽, go straight?
Left, right, go straight?
What’s my safe zone
이곳? 저곳? or X?
This place? That place? or X?
어둠 속 안도의 한줄기 빛은 어디일까?
Where is the ray of light of security in this darkness?
고즈넉한 home? 아니면 저 먼 blue 일까?
A quiet home? Or is it that blue in the distance?
Where’s my safe zone
왼쪽, 오른쪽, go straight?
Left, right, go straight?
What’s my safe zone
이곳? 저곳? or X?
This place? That place? or X?
Trans cr; Annie | Spot Check cr; Aditi & Faith @ bts-trans
Last updated on: 2022-07-15