V: At that part...
JM: Can you come here?
V: When you jump you instinctively lean backwards.
V: I just walk in like this.
V: I’m just doing this.
JM: You’ve got to come in with a bigger gesture?
JH: Okay.
JM: You know, like, during the “even if you (have to) crawl”, come in then.
(T/N: Lyrics from ‘Not Today’)
JH&V: Okay!

V: My feet…
Staff: While you’re here, only the deck…
V: Since there’s the full-shot anyway...
Staff: Yes.

JH: Namjoon’s stage is kind of fascinating, isn’t it?
JH: It’s really fascinating.
S: Namjoon is fascinating.

JH: Let’s go!

Staff: We’ll keep them in piles of 3 and 4 next to each other like this, you can take them from here.
JH: So we take them in 3s and 4s...
Staff: You go ‘ta-da’.
JH: Ta-da~
JM: “Our beginnings and endings are always you”.
JH: This, this one goes first...
Staff: Yes, that’s right.
V: Thank you!


S: Let’s get it! (x2)
J: Yoongi, hurry over!
JH: Yoongi...


RM: I forgive him because he’s cute.
J: We forgive you because you’re cute.
S: Let’s get it.

V: 8 counts.
RM: No. (x2)
S: Let’s just try it out for today and then we can check it out tomorrow.
Staff: Yes just try it out for today and we’ll send you the file.
RM: Please just play it one more time.
JK: It’s 8 counts. // RM: I’ll say it a little later.
Staff: Once again? Just a second. // RM: Yes.
S: There’s 8 counts. // RM: I’ll say it a little later.
JK: I think ‘RUN’ starts right after 8 counts.
S: Exactly.
S: Feels like it is lagging by 3 counts… // JK: 3 counts.
JH: Just take out your in-ears. // V: It’s 3.
JH: Please play it.
JK: It’s not 4 counts.
JK: Watch.
S: 3, 2, 1.
RM: Let’s run!
RM: Let’s do it this way.
RM: I’ll wait 8 counts and then say it.


JH: The positions for ‘Not Today’-
JH: Don’t forget your positions at ‘Ready, aim, fire’.
JH: Do it like we did during the rehearsal.
V: We really messed that up.


JM: I think I always feel this away.
RM: Hey, Hobi, what is your stomach hurting (from nerves)?!
JM: I get really nervous when we perform in Korea.
RM: Hey Hobi, is your stomach hurting?!
JH: Let’s go. (x2)


RM: Okay, everyone.
RM: Having a concert in Seoul after a year and two months.
Caption: Shouting out a cheer for their concert in Seoul, where they haven’t performed in while
RM: Let’s bring down the house!
JK: Yes!
RM: Bang Bangtan!
BTS: Bang Bangtan!

JM: Ta-da!
J: Ta-da!


JH: We can just count to 3 and then do it.
S: No, it’s…
S: “I can make it right”- we do it at the ‘right’.
J: But we’re too far back then.
V: Jungkook and Jimin have to walk up here then.
V: So we can’t show them the final pose at the same time.
V: So when (the song) ends, I’ll say something, I’ll say “ARMY!”, and then we can turn.
S: Okay.
JH: Okay.
V: Then that’ll be us in the final position.
JH: But then you-
V: I’ll run.


RM: I’m going in with a calm heart.


RM: Okay, everyone.
RM: Today as well, we need to focus on safety and successfully, and coolly, let’s bring the house down.
RM: Bang bangtan!
BTS: Bangtan!


Slogan: Let's not let go of each other's hands, since we rely on each other


RM: This is really the last one.
RM: After this ‘LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF The Final’, there’s not anymore of these...
RM: Since it’s the last, let’s not overdo things but still do everything within our power to bring the house down.
RM: Let's get it!
RM: Bangtan Bangtan!
BTS: Bang Bangtan!

Trans cr; Aditi & Denise @ bts-trans