170407 NewShowBiz [Korean dances like this] 'Knife-like' choreography isn't enough; it's trendy for idols to dance to 'this'?! OTHER, YNWABrandy Flores7 April 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK, CHI
170406 [New Yang Nam Awards] Daesang Nominee 1 YNWA, VARIETYBrandy Flores6 April 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK
170331 [BANGTAN BOMB] 400m Relay race @ ISAC 2017 BOMB, YNWABTS-Trans31 March 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK
170329 [Can't Let Go Mandarin Conversation] Episode #3 YNWA, OTHERBTS-Trans29 March 2017J-HOPE, JUNGKOOK, MACO, CHI
170325 When The Applause Sounds - BTS Popular Boy Group With Rising Popularity; Charismatic Dancing NEWS, YNWABrandy Flores25 March 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK, CHI
170324 Mezamashi TV NEWS, YNWABrandy Flores24 March 2017JPN, OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK
170323 Greeting for ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ Japanese Version OTHER, YNWAFaith Ng23 March 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK, JPN
170319 BTS x SMART Uniform - Days of the week Full CF CF, YNWAXPXOXD19 March 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK, SMART
170318 BBQ X BTS - Guessing the name of the new dish event CF, YNWABTS-Trans18 March 2017OT7, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, RM, JIMIN, V, JUNGKOOK, BBQ