211110 Off to the UNGA SDG Moment with Bangbell

(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)

방림이가 이틀 만에 또 찾아와서 낯설다고요 (?)
방림이는,,,,,,, 아미들에게 ㄷr,, 주고싶다니깐요,,,!(찡긋)
Is it a little strange that I’m back again after just two days (?)
I wanted to,,,,,,, I wanted to show ARMYs everyth | ng,,,!(wink)
벌써 시간이 또..라는 얘기를 하게 만드는 UN에서의 방탄소년단 모습들!
외에 LA 비하인드를 쫌쫌따리로 가져와보았어요! 우리 아미들에게 고화질로 보여줘야 한다구!
지금 바로 만나보러 갈까요?!
BTS at the UN, that makes us say “time has flown by so fast..”!
Plus some pictures from other LA behind-the-scenes events. I bring you these gifts! Because we have to give ARMYs the HD stuff!
Shall we go look at them right now?!

이분 진짜, 고집 있으셔. 강단 있으셔.
아직도 건국 안 하시고 지금 뭐 하는....?
This guy, honestly, he’s so stubborn. So very stubborn.
What are you doing, still not establishing your own nation....?

뭐야..? 방림이를 구하러 온 경호원? 방림이를 지키러 온 수호천사?
같기도 하다가 냅다 멋지다티비
What is this..? Is this the bodyguard that’s here to save Bangbell? Is this the guardian angel that’s here to protect Bangbell?
He does look like one, he’s just so damn cool TV
I’m fainting TV
(T/N: Following recent slang, Jin has been adding 'TV' to the end of sentences in a lot of his posts/comments on Weverse, which has led to it becoming a popular inside joke between ARMY and BTS.)

분명히...... 얼마 전에 GOSO 했는데
또 GOSO 하고 싶게 만드시네 이 분? 정체가 대체 뭐지?
어쩔 수 없이 가슴속에 항상 GOSOJANG 챙겨서 다닐래요...
틈날 때마다 꺼내서.. 보낼 거야....
I’m pretty sure...... I SUED him not too long ago
But this guy’s making me want to SUE him again? What is he?
There’s no other way, I'm always going to go around with a letter of intent to sue in my heart...
Every now and then I’m going to take it out.. and file it....

하늘에서 천사가 실수로 떨어졌다.
-오늘의 명언-
An angel has fallen from heaven by mistake.
-Today’s quote of the day-

박지민. 그 때문에 난, 오늘도,
사회적 지위를 집어던지고 싶어진다.
Park Jimin. Because of you, today, as always,
I want to throw my social status away.

나였으면,, 저렇게 바라보는 시선의 주인공,, 나였으면,,,
If only that were me,, the person that he’s gazing at like that,, If only that were me,,

이 분 UN으로 무대 찍으러 간 거 맞죠? 영화 찍으러 간 거 아니죠?,,,
This person’s there to perform at the UN, right? Not to shoot a movie?,,,

왜들 그렇게 쳐다보는거징? 'ㅎuㅎ 내가 귀여운 탓인가? 후훙
(방림이,, 이 사진은 무조건 아미들 보여줘야 해,,!! 외쳤다는 tmi,,,)
Why is everyone looking at me like thattt? 'ㅎuㅎ Is it cause I’m cute? Hohoh
(a tmi: i screamed “Bangbell,, You’ve got to show this to ARMYs,,!!”)
(T/N: 'TMI' is used in Korean slang to mean little tidbits that people might not know about.)

멋지게 UN 연설, 퍼포먼스까지 끝마친 방탄소년단!
BTS, all cool throughout the UN speech and performance, all done now!
다음 일정은 어디였을까요!
What was next on the itinerary!
바쁘다 바빠 현대사회
바쁘다 바빠 방탄소년단
바쁘다 바빠 아미!
Busy, busy times
Busy, busy BTS
Busy, busy ARMY!

바로바로 한국 문화원에 방문한 방탄소년단입니다!
도착하여 큐레이터 분의 설명을 열심히 듣고 있는 모습,,!
설명을 듣는 것만으로도,,, 보기만 하는 모습도 멋지다구...!
It’s BTS at the Korean Cultural Centre!
Look at them carefully listening to the curator’s explanations,,!
Even when they’re just listening to the explanations,,, even if all they’re doing is looking, they’re so cool...!

Columbia Records에도 방문하여 대표님과 만남도 가진 방탄소년단!
소소한 얘기도 나누며, 기념사진도 찍었답니다!
BTS visited Columbia Records and even met with its CEO!
I hear they had a nice casual chat, and even took pictures to commemorate the occasion!

기념사진 촬영 후 갑자기 시작된 팬 싸인회 현장..?!
아주라.. 그 싸인.. 방림이 주라.....
They took a picture to commemorate the visit and now they’re suddenly doing a fan sign..?!
Gimme it.. the autograph.. give it to me.....

P. R. O 처럼 얘기하는 모습 "오히려 좋아"
Seeing them talk like a P.R.O, it’s “rather great”

장꾸들의 소소한 장난도 잊지 않죠!
한창 액자로 장난치는 거 좋아할 나이,,
Can’t forget the jokesters playing their little games!
They’re really at the age where playing around with frames is fun,,

이 외에도 Megan Thee Stallion과의 만남,
Coldplay와의 만남 등 멋진 일정을 소화하고 온 방탄소년단이었습니다!
Apart from this, they also met Megan Thee Stallion,
and Coldplay - BTS did so many cool things there!
아쉬우니까 단체사진으로 마무~리!
Leaving is sad so let’s~end with a group picture!
오랜만의 해외 일정 사진을 보고 싶어 했을 아미들을 위해 준비한 사진들! 괜찮았나요?!
방림이는. 확인한다. 하드. 준비한다. 털이.
아미들의. 행복. 원한다.
ARMYs were probably missing pictures from overseas schedules, and so I brought you some! Was it alright?!
Bangbell. Is checking. Getting ready. To release everything. In my hard drive.
I want. ARMYs. to be happy.
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)