211224 ARMY! Happy Holidays~❤︎
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)

아미들.. (아련)
잘 지냈나요?
보.. 보고... 보고.. 싶었... (부끄)
ARMYs.. (soft)
Have you been doing well?
I.. I mis... I mis.. I missed y... (shy)
방림이도.. 정신없이 일만 하다보니... 그 날이 와버린거죠...
Hey... 그저 나에게는 토요일이다.
Holiday 진짜.....진짜 하나도 기대 안 된다.
진짜 ㅋㅋ 하나도 기대 안됨
진짜루 ㅋㅋ
아니 진짜라니까 ㅋㅋ
For me as well, I was.. so caught up in work... and now the day’s already here...
Hey... it’s just a Saturday for me.
I’m not excited for the holiday at all.....really, not even a little bit.
Really haha I’m not excited at all
Really haha
No really, I’m serious haha
했던게 방림이 일리가?
As if Bangbell would ever say that?
아미들에게 셀카 선물 줄 생각에
누구보다 움직이는 콧구멍을 주체하지 못했읍니다..
The thought of giving ARMYs selfies as gifts
Was making my nostrils shake uncontrollably..

아미들에게,, 선물? 그거 아무것도 아니지
방림이가 가-득 보따리로다가 준비해왔습니다,,
(큰 손이 되고싶은 방림이)
(tmi 비빔국수 만들 때도 양 조절 실패하고 맨날 2인분 이상 만드는 방림이)
A present,, for ARMYs? That’s nothing
I’ve prepared a big package to-tally full of things,,
(Bangbell wanted to be generous)
(tmi Even when I make Bibim-guksu*, I never get the portions right and always make enough for more than 2 people)
(T/N: *Bibim-guksu is a spicy cold noodle dish.)
아미들의 기쁨.. 사랑.. 행복...
방림이가 한 번 채워보도록 하겠습니다..
ARMY’s happiness.. love.. joy...
I shall aim to fill them all up..
스크롤이 아-주 길 예정이니, 천~ 천~ 히! 따라와 주세요 아미들!
그럼 지금부터 시-작 합니다.
It’s going to be a lo-ong post to scroll, so take~ your~ time! And follow along, ARMY!
Okay then let’s st-art.
(game face on)

김조나단,,? 비티엣스,,? 다 숨겨,,,ㅡ!! 를 외치게 했던 Grammy Awards
Kim Jonathan*,,? BTS,,? Hide them all away,,,ㅡ!! is what the Grammy Awards made us shout
(T/N: *A joke in ARMY twitter is that RM seems like a Jonathan when he’s channeling his sexy persona.)

방탄소년단 얼굴이 미-쳤어요!
#화보천재소년단 소리가 절로 나오던 Esquire 화보!
BTS’ looks are in-sane!
The Esquire photoshoot that inadvertently made me scream #PhotoshootGeniusBoyscouts!

전설 아닌 레전드...? Life Goes On M/V 촬영
Legendary but not a legend...? The Life Goes On M/V shoot

킹갓제네럴 어쩌구 수트소년단 UN General Assembly !
KingGodGeneral Something SuitBoyscouts at the UN General Assembly !

다양한 무대를 볼 수 있었던 MTV Unplugged
A variety of performances for MTV Unplugged

그저 빛,, 모-델-소-년-단 Louis Vuitton 촬영
Just pure light,, Mo-del-Boy-Sco-uts at the Louis Vuitton shoot

You! You are! My Universe ~ 들을 때 마다 소름이 쫙,,! 떼창하고 싶어지는 My Universe M/V
You! You are! My Universe ~ goosebumps every time I hear it,,! The My Universe M/V that makes you want to chant along

ㄴr.. ㄷrㅅ1 돌ㅇr갈ㄹh... ☆
PTD ON STAGE VCR이 흘러나오던 그 때로.
ㅣ wanㅌ to gㅇ baㄷk... ☆
To when the PTD ON STAGE VCR came out.

한껏 holiday #mood 를 만끽할 수 있는
~ 셀카 오쁜 ~
To really enjoy the holiday #mood to the fullest
~ Selfies Open ~

작년에 만나봤던 The Late Late Show,
그리고 자정에 공개 된 귀염뽀짝 Butter Holiday Remix 영상 셀-카 까지!
방림이는 다 생각이 있구나?
The Late Late Show from last year,
And even the sel-fies from the adorable Butter Holiday Remix video that came out at midnight!
Bangbell thinks of everything, huh?
방탄소년단 셀카만 봐도
이곳이 Happy Holidays고 Paradise다..
(방림이에게 쥐어지는 합격 목걸이)
Just looking at BTS selfies
Makes this place feel like Happy Holidays and Paradise and everything else..
(A rhyme)
(The necklace of success is in my hands)*
(T/N: *A reference to the show ‘Show Me The Money’, where contestants get a gold chain when they win the round.)

아미들..! 방림이가 아미들을 위해 준비한 Holiday selfie gift set-*
마음에 드셨는지요 ?
마음에 들었다면 당근을 흔들어 주세요~!
(대충 당근 이모티콘 준비)
ARMYs..! This was the Holiday selfie gift set-* I prepared for you
You liked it, right ?
If you liked it, please wave your carrots~!
(Kind of ready with the carrot emoji)

우리 아미들! 방림이가 준비한 셀카 보고 힘! 내시고
미세먼지, 감기 조심! 그리고 마스크도 꼭 꼭 챙겨서 하고 다녀요!
Our ARMYs! Enjoy these selfies that I prepared and get some energy!
Please be careful of the fine dust and be careful not to catch a cold! And always, always remember to wear a mask!
방림이는 겨울이 지나기 전... 아미들에게 다시 짜잔 하고 나타나겠습니다!
Before the winter ends... Bangbell will appear once again with a ta-da!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)