They call me hope

Do you know why I am hope?

판도라의 history 그게 내 born
Pandora’s history, that’s my born

인간에게 주어진 큰 신들의 성심
Good faith from the great gods given to mankind

판도라가 남긴 상자 속의 한 빛
The ray of light Pandora left inside the box

때 묻지 않은 소년에게 대입
Transferred to a pure, innocent young boy

Till the end, 방탄의 희망이 되라는 frame
Till the end, the frame of being Bangtan’s hope

그렇게 주어진 운명의 수여식
That’s how it was given, presented through a ceremony of destiny

That’s my name

신화로 깊어지는 의미와 함께
With this meaning further deepened by the myth

On my way

J to the hope

정 to the 희망
Jung to the hope

Jack in the box

판도라의 손
Pandora’s hand

하나 남은 희망
The only thing left, hope

Jack in the box

Someone’s light, someone’s smile

Someone’s hope, 내 활동들은 someone’s life
Someone’s hope, my activities are someone’s life

시간은 이름대로 흘러가 someone’s star
Time flows like the name suggests, someone’s star

내 영혼이 다듬어지며 생기는 모토와 바이브
As my soul is refined, my motto and vibes are formed

그렇게 제출해 내 이력서, 비로소
That’s how I submit it, my resume, only then

첫 도약, hope world, 필요했던 필연성
The first leap, hope world, a necessary inevitability

계속 발전을 꿈꿔
I’m always dreaming of growth

‘What’s my path?’

‘What do I have to say?’

Just keep on doing my thang

내가 그린 그림
The picture I’ve painted

이 dream은 제우스가 그린
Is this dream the one and only picture

유일무이 큰 그림인가?
that Zeus painted?

나를 불러들인 주인의 호기심
The curiosity of the owner who summons me

이건 마치 판도라의 운명적인 criminal
It’s just like Pandora’s fateful criminal

그래 겪어보니 세상이 보여
Yeah, now that I’ve experienced the world, I can see it more clearly

인간을 끓게 하는 수만 가지의 고열
All kinds of high fevers make people boil

욕심 시기 원한 질투
Greed, jealousy, resentment, envy

복수 또 미움
Revenge and hate, too

어쩌면 no reason
Maybe there’s no reason

We need hope

그게 많든 아님 적든
Whether it’s a lot or a little

우린 뒤로 걸어도 무섭지 않을 벤자민 버튼
We’re Benjamin Button*, not afraid even if we go backwards

앞장서 조금이나마 느낄 수 있다면은
If those at the front could feel it even a little bit

일깨워 주고파 각자 숨은 작은 영웅을
I want to wake them up, the tiny hero hidden in everyone

이 상자란 우물 안속 frog
This box is a frog in the well*²

큰 세상 밖으로 jump
Out into the big world, jump

재앙을 마주해도 부딪치고 싶어
Even if I face disaster, I want to crash against it

Jack in the box

Look at my title

열어 본 다음 이젠 믿어보는
After opening it, now, I start to believe it

나의 이름
My name

J to the hope

정 to the 희망
Jung to the hope

Jack in the box

판도라의 손
Pandora’s hand

하나 남은 희망
The only thing left, hope

Jack in the box

J to the hope

정 to the 희망
Jung to the hope

Jack in the box

판도라의 손
Pandora’s hand

하나 남은 희망
The only thing left, hope

Jack in the box

J to the hope

정 to the 희망
Jung to the hope

Jack in the box

판도라의 손
Pandora’s hand

하나 남은 희망
The only thing left, hope

Jack in the box

J to the hope

정 to the 희망
Jung to the hope

Jack in the box

판도라의 손
Pandora’s hand

하나 남은 희망
The only thing left, hope

Jack in the box

Translators’ Notes:

* ‘The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button’ is a film about a person who has a rare ailment that makes them age backwards.
2. A proverb used to describe someone with extremely narrow perspectives, like a frog who has only seen the inside of a well and understands nothing of the world outside it.


Trans cr; Aditi | Spot Check cr; Annie @ bts-trans

Last updated on: 2022-07-15