Right, 힘든 게 있어 내 친구에 대해
Right, my friend has this thing that’s hard to deal with
가치관, 성격 대립, 매일 우정 자연재해
Values, personalities in opposition, our friendship is a natural disaster everyday
좋게 좋게 말해도 의문이 드는 reaction
Even when the words are nice, the reaction is questionable
베푸는 건 내(ㅔ) 쪽, 애써 감추려 red sun
I’m (you’re) the one doing a favour, working hard to hide it, red sun
Please stop stop stop
Stop stop stop stop
Don’t fight fight fight
Fight fight fight fight
밉고 야속하지만 한 번 더 생각을 해
You hate them and they’re cruel, but think about it once more
어떻게 다 비슷하고 어떻게 다 똑같아?
How can everyone be similar, how can everyone be the same?
본질은 바뀔 순 없어 인지해가 be myself
I can’t change the essence of who I am, I recognise that and be myself
단 한 톨의 믿음이 날 지배해
A single grain of belief rules over me
‘There are no bad people in the world’
그래 나도 뉴스는 봐
Yeah, I watch the news too
But what’s that?
Deadly criminal, 정말 사람이 저래?
Deadly criminal, are people really like that?
짐승보다 못한 인간들의 행위
The actions of people worse than wild animals
참 더럽더라고
Truly horrible
심하게 말해 사람 새끼인가 싶더라고, 나도
In stronger words, I wonder if they’re even damn human, too
Wait, stop stop stop
Stop stop stop stop
Calm down down down
Down down down down
그래 이건 원초적으로 돌아가
Right, get back to the basics
다시 그들을 봐
Take another look at them
살아온 환경, 교육, 시스템
The environment, education, system they’ve lived through
나와 다른 부분은 무엇인가?
What makes them different from me?
의지해 보는 거야, 하나만
You’re counting on just one thing
인간 본연의 모습, 그 하나만
Human nature, just that one thing
Please be right
요즘은 smart 한 세상
It’s a smart* world these days
But not smart 한 게 태반
But not smart for the most part
분노의 비대면 회담
An online conference of rage
희생은 시간문제야
Sacrifice is a matter of time
불안전한 area
An unsafe area
So, too many viruses
무의식적인 오염, 나도 피할 순 없는 거야
Unconscious pollution, I can’t avoid it either
Stop stop stop
Stop stop stop stop
Change our minds minds minds
Minds minds minds minds
인과법칙에 의하여 세상에 나온 우리
By the laws of cause and effect, we came into this world
그렇다 한들 일체유심조
Even if that’s true, it all depends on the mind
우리가 만드는 거지
We’re the ones who decide
작은 시작이 큰 발걸음이기에
Because a small start is a big step
세상은 변해 나쁜 사람은 없기에
Because the world changes and there are no bad people
That’s right?
Translators’ Notes:
* ‘Smart’ here as in ‘smart phone’, ‘smart TV’, etc.
Trans cr; Aditi | Spot Check cr; Faith & Annie @ bts-trans
Last updated on: 2022-07-15