결국 진리에 살다가 가야 한다는 거야. 우리 또한 그자리에서는
At the end of the day, we have to live while holding on to truth. In that place—
인간의 본질인데
it’s human nature but
진선미 진실하다는 진자하고 착할 선자하고 아름다운 미, 내 생각에는 진 하나만 가지고 다 해결되는 거야
“Jin. Seon. Mi”. “Jin” meaning truth, “seon” meaning “goodness”, and “mi” meaning “beauty”. In my opinion, just having truth alone solves everything.*
F*** the trendsetter
I’mma turn back the time
Back the time, far to when I was nine
좋은 것과 아닌 것밖에 없던 그때
When there was nothing but the good and not good
차라리 그때가 더 인간이었던 듯해
It feels like I was actually more of a person back then
이쪽저쪽에서 받았던 손가락질들이
Fingers pointed at me from all sides
이젠 가야 할 곳이라며 저 산을 가리키지
Now they say there’s a place I must go, and point at that mountain over there
That’s where you belong
Oh you gon’ be alone if
뭣도 아닌 그 진심들을 고집하면은
you keep stubbornly hanging on to that truth, it means nothing
팀 빠진 넌 사실 뭣도 아니야 너는
Without your team, you’re nothing honestly
고속도로서 오솔길로 가려 해 너는
You’re trying to go from a highway to a little trail
그냥 내 말 좀 들어 그러다 다 잃어
Just listen to me, you’ll lose everything that way
늘 그랬듯 you go with the flow, you get better
Like always, you go with the flow, you get better
F*** that s***, 에뜨랑제의 lifestyle
F*** that s***, the lifestyle of an étranger
늘 나의 자리는 경계선의 pipeline
I always stand on boundary pipelines
여전히 난 허락되지 않는 꿈을 꿔
I still dream dreams I’m not allowed to
아무도 보지 않는 춤을 춰
I dance dances no one sees
You keep the silence
‘Fore you do somethin’
You be a human
Till the death of you
I wanna be a human
‘Fore I do some art
It’s a cruel world
But there’s gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
그는 말했지 늘, 먼저 사람이 돼라
He always said, “be a human first”
예술 할 생각 말고 놀아 느껴 희로애락
Don’t think about making art, just feel all the pain and pleasure, the joy and sorrow
What is it with the techniques
What is it with the skills
What is it with all the words
In your lyrics that you can’t feel?
나 당신이 말한 진리가 뭔지 몰라 다만
I don’t know what the truth that you spoke about is, but
그저 찾아가는 길 위 나의 속도와 방향
I just go on the paths I find, in my own speed and direction
You’re dead, but to me you the f***in’ contemporary
여전히 이곳에 살아서 흘러 permanently
Still living here, flowing permanently
이 모든 경계의 위에 선 자들에게
To all those who stand on boundary lines
반드시 보내야만 했던 나의 밤을 건네
I give you these nights that I just had to spend
반짝이는 불꽃은 언젠가 땅으로
Shimmering fireworks eventually fall to the ground
카이사르의 것은 카이사르로
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s*²
시커멓게 탄 심장
A heart that’s burnt black
재를 뿌린 그 위에 시를 쓰네
I write poems where the ashes were spread
사선을 오갔던 생과
To a life that went back and forth between life and death and
당신이 마침내 이 땅에 남긴 것들에게
To the things that you left behind in this earth in the end
나 역시 그저 좀 더 나은 어른이길
I, of course, just hope to be a better adult
You keep the silence
'Fore you do somethin'
You be a human
Till the death of you
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon’ be my part
Cuz true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
죽기까지 못할꺼야
I won’t be able to do it till I die.
그렇게 하고 싶은데 안돼요
I want to do it that way, but I’m not able to.
그럴려면 이 욕심도 다 버리고
In order to do it, you have to get rid of your greed.
모든 욕심 다 버려야 해
You have to get rid of all of your greed
천진무구한 세게로 돌아가야지
and go back to a world of perfect innocence.
그리고 약간
And well,
나는 그렇게 하고 싶은데
I want to do that.
왜 안 되는 거야
But why can’t I?
근데 죽을 때까지 그렇게 해보려고 노력을 해야지
But I have to keep trying till I die.
그게 인간의 목적인 것 같아
I think that is the purpose of human beings.*
Translators’ Notes:
*The dialogue translated in this section is our best guess, as the nature of vocal sample makes it difficult to hear the words clearly.
2. From Matthew 22:21.
Trans cr; Aditi | Spot Check cr; Faith & Annie @ bts-trans
Last updated on: 2022-12-02