
SUGA) 대박이었다니까 그때는 그게

정국) 저도 들었어요

SUGA) Fly, 진짜

RM) 뮤직비디오 그거, 대박이었어

SUGA) 흰색 와이셔츠에 빨간 넥타이, 내가 그거 얼마나 좋아했는데 중학교때 그래가지고

지민) 아, 아니지

V) 형 안어울리지

진) 야야 종쳤다, 이제 가자

J-Hope) 아니, 아니 왜 종쳤다고 그래요, 오늘 째야지

지민) 아 왜그래요~

V) 형, 분위기 달아올랐는데

SUGA, J-Hope) 째, 째!

V) 안가 나

SUGA) 시원하게 한번 째봅시다!

V) 나 안가!

SUGA) 그래가지고, 그래가지고 랩몬, 그래 에픽하이부터 해봐봐.

RM) 아니 그래가지고 제가, 그때 그거 딱 듣고 랩하기 시작했다니까요
말 그대로 FLY 했다는거 아녜요

SUGA) 이 슈가님도 어? 그거 듣고 랩 시작했지~

RM) 똑같애요- 다 똑같애 진짜

SUGA) 그때는 하여튼 다 똑같앴었어~

RM) 그러면, 우리는 FLY 들을때, 우리 호비 홉은 뭐하셨나?

J-Hope) 난 또 이제 우리 랩하는 사람들과는 남다르게 또 나는 춤에 미쳐있었지

지민) 그렇취~

J-Hope & RM) 타고난 댄서-

J-Hope) 타고난 댄서였었지, 뭐 지민이도 마찬가질걸?

지민) 아, 당연하죠!
혹시 여기서, 무용을 꿈꿔본 사람은 없나?

RM, J-Hope & V) 없어!

V) 없어, 저리가!

RM) 방금 정적 들었냐, 방금?

지민) 한명도 없어요?

RM) 방금 다들 고민했다고

지민) 일초의 정적

J-Hope) 그리고 태형이, 태형이 넌 꿈이 뭐였어?

V) 전 삼년간 색소폰 했었어요

J-Hope) 근데 왜 지금은 안해?

정국) 색소폰?

V) 어… 입이 아파서

SUGA) 아, 입이 아파서… 입이 아팠어요?

RM) 뭔가 되게 가식적이다 얘

V) 저 입이 아팠거든요.

SUGA) 많이 아팠나보다

지민) 엄청난 입이다

RM) 마음이 아프다, 야

J-Hope) 그리고 우리 진 형, 형은 꿈이 뭐였어요, 형은?

진) 나야 뭐, 우리 아빠처럼 7시에 출근하고, 저녁 6시에 퇴근해서 딱 마누라가 차려주는 밥 먹고.

J-Hope) 오, 최고이지~

V) 아, 진짜 와

RM) 나도, 나도 그게 제일 좋다고 생각했던 때가 있어

SUGA) 뭐 이게 최곤 거 같긴 해

RM) 힙합이고 뭐고,

지민) 짱이다

RM) 힙합이 다 뭔 소용이예요, 그게 짱이지

지민) 그렇다고 힙합을 버려요? 형

SUGA) 시원하게 버렸구만!

지민) 왜 이러는 거야

SUGA) 시원하게 버렸어

RM) 우리 아빠 욕하지 마!

지민) 왜 버리고 그래!

RM) 우리 아빠 욕하지마!

SUGA) 정국아, 넌 꿈이 뭐였냐?

정국) 저요? 하.. 저 기억 잘 안나는데…

선생님) 이놈의 쉐뀌들, 수업 안들어? 뭐하노!

RM, SUGA & V) 아 시끄러

선생님) 아 동아리 진짜 없애 뿔던가 해야겠네 이 셰끼들

지민 & J-Hope) 아, 들어갈게요

선생님) 빨리 들어가!

다들) 네, 들어갈게요 / 죄송합니다… / 네~ / 알겠습니다

진) 아 내가 가자 좀 했잖아


SUGA) It was amazing back then, I’m telling you

Jungkook) I heard it too

SUGA) Fly, it was really

RM) That music video, it was amazing

SUGA) A white shirt with a red necktie, you know how much I liked that back when I was in middle school because of this?

Jimin) Ah, that’s not-

V) It doesn’t suit hyung, huh?

Jin) Hey, the bell rang - let’s go! 

J-Hope) Ah, why are you saying the bell rang? We have to skip today

Jimin) Why are you being like this, come on!

V) Ah, just when the mood was getting good

Suga, J-Hope) Just skip it, let’s skip it!

V) I’m not gonna go.

SUGA) Let’s skip for once!

V) I’m not going!

SUGA) So, so then what, RapMon, continue what you were saying about Epik High.

RM) Yeah, so I started rapping as soon as I heard that!
I literally did FLY, is what I’m saying. 

Suga) This Suga-nim also started rapping after hearing that~

RM) It’s the exact same- It was the same for everyone, seriously. 

SUGA) Anyways, back then it was all the same~

RM) So while we were listening to Fly, what was our Hope-y Hope doing?

J-Hope) Unlike all our rappers here, I was crazed about my dance!

Jimin) Of course~

J-Hope & RM) Natural born dancing skills-

J-Hope) I was born a dancer, I bet Jimin was the same! 

Jimin) Of course [I was]! Is there no one else here who’s dreamed of learning classical dance?

RM, J-Hope & V) There’s no one!

V) Nobody, go away!

RM) Did you hear that moment of silence, back there?

Jimin) There’s not even one person?

RM) Everyone was hesitating back then

Jimin) A one-second silence 

J-Hope) And Taehyung, what was your dream? 

V) I played the saxophone for three years.

J-Hope) But why don’t you do it anymore?

Jungkook) Saxophone?

V) Ah…because my mouth hurts.

SUGA) Ah, because your mouth hurt… Aww, did your mouth hurt?

RM) You’re somehow really fake, yeah.

V) ‘Cause my mouth hurt.

SUGA) It must have hurt a lot.

Jimin) You’ve got a brilliant mouth (sarcastic)

RM) My heart hurts [hearing that].

J-Hope) Our Jin hyung, what was your dream? 

Jin: Me? For me, well, it was, just like my dad, leaving the house at 7 am and coming back home at 6pm, then eating the food my wife prepared for me.

J-Hope) Oh, that’s the best~

V) Wow, really, that-

RM) Me too, there was a time when I thought that this was the best thing, as well.

SUGA) Well, this does seem like the best thing.

RM) Hip-Hop of whatever,

Jimin) That’s amazing.

RM) What’s the use of Hip-Hop, that’s the best.

Jimin) But you can’t just throw away hip hop like that, hyung!

SUGA) He threw it away so coolly!

Jimin) Why are you like this

SUGA) He threw it away coolly

RM) Don’t insult my dad!

Jimin) Why are you throwing it away?

RM) Don’t, don’t insult my dad!

SUGA) Jungkook, what was your dream? 

Jungkook) Me? Ah…I can’t remember that well…

Teacher) You brats! What are you doing, not going to class?

RM, SUGA & V) Ah, so noisy.

Teacher) Ah, I should really get rid of this club or something, these brats.

Jimin & J-Hope) Ah, we’ll go.

Teacher) Go on!

All) We’ll go now, we’ll go! / I’m sorry! / Yes sir~~ / Alright.

Jin) See, I told you we should’ve gone!


Trans cr; Christie & Yein @ bts-trans